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End of an Era: Nvidia Overthrows Intel in Dow Jones After 25 Years – A Shift in Tech Dominance

End of ‍an Era: Nvidia Overthrows Intel in Dow Jones After 25 Years – A‍ Shift in Tech Dominance


Unfazed by US Sanctions, China Gears up to Construct the World’s Biggest AI Training Cluster: A Breakdown Report

Unfazed By US Sanctions, China is Gearing Up To ​Build The World’s Largest⁣ AI Training ⁢Cluster: A‍ Detailed Report The turning gears of progress in the technological world never remain idle. This solemn ​truth resonates now more than ever as China, unfazed by the ongoing ⁢US⁢ sanctions, is making an‌ immense leap in technology by […]


How China’s Latest Export Controls on Chipmaking Materials Could Trigger Global Chip Price Surge

How ‌China’s⁣ Latest ⁢Export Controls on⁣ Chipmaking Materials Could Trigger ⁣a Global⁣ Chip Price Surge As China tightens its grip on the export​ of materials required in chipmaking, global players are bracing for⁢ a deeply impactful‌ surge in chip prices. This action, part of ‍an unfolding ⁢trade and technology war, ‌could potentially redefine the semiconductor […]

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